My Services

General Medicine

GP looks after everything.

Chronic Conditions

High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, chronic kidney disease they are all scary conditions. But when they are managed by proper hands, they are manageable and you can circumvent developing of those conditions and ensuing heart attack or stroke in the future. Therefore, it is very important to see a GP  to tackle those chronic conditions.

Mental Health

Mental health is everyone's problem. Anxiety and depression are so common. 
And they can overlap each other and with other mental and physical conditions.  Pharmacological and non pharmacological treatments need to be explored under mental health care plan by which you can be seen by psychologists.  Plus, I am certified with Focused Psychology Strategy (FPS), therefore, I uterise this skill to conduct psychology therapies.


I would like to be an advocate for people in this field. This sense is existing at the bottom of my heart. So, feel relaxed and come for a non-judgmental consultation.

Sexual Health

 certified to prescribe HIV medicines (s100 prescriber). I cover HIV Pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), HIV Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP), HIV anti retrovirus treatment (ART). I also look after other Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and medical certificate for Sex workers. Again, feel relaxed and come for a non-judgmental consultation. 


I was a pediatric specialist specialising in Neonatology back in Japan before coming to Australia. From my experience that my own son was born as an extremely low birth weight infant,  helping children and parents is my passion. 

Antenatal Care

I am 

Women's Health

I respect each woman's choice. My motto is to help a person who is in front of me. Although I am not a woman, I have strength in women's health.  I cover everything in women's health including Implanon insertion/removal.

Men's Health

I am 

Medicinal Cannabis

I have the certification of Professional Diploma of Medicinal Cannabis.  Our college's policy is that although there is still lack of evidence in this field, there are medical conditions to which medicinal cannabis has a role. And those are wide variety of medical conditions such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic pain, etc.

Skin Cancer/Check

As a GP in Queensland Australia, skill to check and manage skin cancer is imperative. It is important for Australian people to do the regular skin check at least every 12 months. If there is a suspicious lesion, skin biopsy and skin excision treatment are to be done.  I have extensive experience in this field. 

Consultation in Japanese

Japanese is my mother tongue. Japanese people in Australia will benefit my consultation in Japanese. I am one of few doctors who has both countries' medical qualification, Japan and Australia.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's health

I have had extensive medical experience for Aboriginal and Torres Strati Islander (ATSI) people. 

Vaping/Quit smoking

I am certified to prescribe vaping products. 

Quit Alcohol

I was a GP champion of Gold Coast PHN previously. In that role, I was an advocate of quit alcohol. 

Travel Medicine

Work Cover